Workshop Reviews

"I have known Simone Woodage in a professional capacity for the past 4 years. She has been a willing, knowledgeable  and informative speaker for our Texas Executive Women’s Alief ISD mentoring program. She is able to connect with and hold the attention of a room of teenage girls, not an easy task.  She has a gift for delivering complex information in a conversational style without “talking down” to her audience. I have no hesitation in recommending her for your speaker needs." 
 - Carolyn C Wyly Director, TEW Alief ISD Mentoring Program 

​​​Simone Woodage Teaching

"I have known Ms. Woodage for approximately 2 years in her professional capacity as a speaker. She has been an invited lecturer in my Human Sexuality course at Texas Southern University providing education to my students about sexually transmitted infections and birth control methods. This is information I call upon Ms. Woodage to provide because of her educational/medical background as a registered nurse as well as her expertise in these topic areas. She is able to supplement the textbook information in a manner that makes the subject matter “real” to my students. Although her presentations are primarily given to adolescents, she modifies her teaching style to provide education that is highly appropriate for the undergraduate students I teach. She is an accomplished speaker and commands the audience with her level of comfort as well as her ability to relate to those who are recipients of the knowledge she is imparting. My students’ evaluations of her presentations are always highly rated. I highly recommend Ms. Woodage for presentations to audiences of any age range. I hope that her schedule will allow her to continue coming to Texas Southern University to positively impact the lives of young adults regarding healthy sexuality. " 
 - Angela Meshack, DrPH 

"Miss Simone always prepared an outstanding lesson that truely hit home to our kiddos. She made the presentation interesting and relevant to real life situations. With this I hope our students will learn to make better choices when it comes to having a healthy relationship."
 - Molly Charley, Aldine 9th Grade Health Department Chair and, Aldine Senior Varsity Swimming and Track 

​Teaching About Puberty and Beyond

"Simone Woodage is an incredibly effective and intuitive educator. She has a quiet persistence that encourages her listeners to seriously consider her messages; she uses a variety of teaching techniques to convey challenging material. She covers very sensitive subjects with great sensitivity, so students focus on the information instead of feeling uncomfortable. We are very grateful she returns every year to teach our 8th and 12th graders about healthy sexuality!"
- Lisa Stone, Upper School Principal, Congregation Emanu El Helfman Religious School

We offer workshops and presentations centered around preparation for puberty and beyond. Our presentations are available for parents, preteens and teens.

​​"Simone takes the tough topic of puberty and eloquently presents it in a way that puts parents at ease. We walked away more informed, more comfortable and more confident about approaching our children. A MUST attend for all parents!!"
- Tammy & Jarrett Rogers Parents of 11-year-old twin boys and a 7-year-old girl